Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Learn to grow a Wee World Wonder!

Growing your own food may seem like a foreign concept, but not so long ago in history, it was part of everyone's plan for survival and sustenance, a common way to provide for one's family. Today gardening is certainly an interesting hobby, but may also have a future as an option for people who want to eat healthy, live green and avoid inflated food prices. Becoming the producer of your own produce may seem like an undertaking too complicated for your household, when in fact it's an activity every household can really afford to get into!

Seeds: For the best chance of success you will want to try beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes and lettuce. These varieties are suggested for beginner gardeners because they are virtually self-starting and will produce the same year as planted. If you happen to be including little ones in this process, be sure the seeds you choose are large and easily handled (eg pumpkin seeds.)

Soil: Start with an all-purpose potting mix, and make sure that whatever container you decide to do your planting in has the right spacial and drainage features to meet your planting and watering needs. With time you may even begin to experiment with different mixtures of fertilizers and plant foods. If you decide to move your plants outdoors make sure you have researched your garden conditions.

Light: Starting your plants indoors is easy with a grow light (consider fluorescent or metal halide.) Remember that vegetables require a lot of sunlight and therefore will need plenty of light from a reliable indoor source. Also note the importance of a dark period. It's a fact that darkness is an essential part of the growth cycle. If and when you decide to transfer your plants outdoors, make sure you have given them an adjustment period by putting them outside for a period of time on an overcast day.

Water: The main cause of plant-death is over or under watering; too much water causes root rot and not enough will cause it to starve. Use your soil as a gauge and watch to see how quickly water is absorbed, this will show you how thirsty your plant is. Rather than watering in one place, make sure you are spreading it evenly over the entire surface (try using a watering can.)

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